Monday, August 16, 2010

Training Address

All snail mail for the next ten weeks should be sent to the following address:

Scott Mortensen
Cuerpo de Paz/Panama
Edificio 104, 1 er Piso
Avenida Vicente Bonilla
Ciudad del Saber, Clayton
Corregimiento de Ancon
Panama, Republica de Panama

After training I will get a new address, which will be posted to this blog.  I suggest numbering each letter you send if you plan on having relatively consistent communication.  That will help me know if something got lost in the mail.

After a stressful couple days I finally feel ready to go, which is good because I leave in an hour.  The goodbyes have already begun and I am not looking forward to spending the next twenty-seven months without my family, loved ones, and friends.  Even still, my excitement level is still very high as I know I will make new friends and probably will be too busy to dwell on the longings of home. 

I should have phone reception until 3pm Eastern Time on Wednesday if you want to talk to me.  I would love to hear from anyone. 

1 comment:

Swirly Girl said...

Hey Scottie, leaving what is familiar can be challenging, but little by little there will be a tipping point when all the small things will add up and make a big difference. Keep the peace and have faith, and know your humble manner and gracious smile will open doors. Love you.

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